We Fuel ur

2 Start ur own World

Screw the Status Quo, Unleash Your X.

Law of nature: X > A million

Normals, shOO off (plz)

We Love mOOnshots!

|| इट्स एन एक्सिओमैटिक ट्रुथ एच्ड इन द सीलेस्टियल टेपेस्ट्री: ए कॉस्मिक सिंगुलैरिटी ड्वार्फ्स ए मिलियन मंडेन मल्टिट्यूड्स। ह्यूमैनिटी क्रेव्स द इथेरियल आउटलायर्स, द पैराडाइम-शिफ्टिंग एनोमलीज हू एम्बोल्डेन द कलेक्टिव कॉन्शसनेस एंड प्रोपेल अस टुवार्ड्स ए ल्यूमिनेसेंट फ्यूचर। ||

Life's a glitch in the matrix, not a ladder to climb. Forget "up and down" – we champion the quantum leap.

System's rigged? Hack it. We'll be your accomplices in change, building a world on your own damn terms. Not investors. Let's rewrite the rules together.

We fund your X, not your resume & polished pitches. Dream, Idea,Cause, passion, self-love, your X is the spark that ignites change. We don't care about suits, just the revolution brewing in your heart.

Xstart.world doesn't just support, we ignite to burn together.

We'll be your catapult, your X-wing in the rebellion.

Mavericks, feel@home, Start your revolution

Xstart your own damn world.

solar eclipse


One World Trade Center

85th Floor,Manhattan,

NYC, NY 10007 USA.

Email: neO@bhaAI.ai

Ph: +1 (646) 417 9111


Thy F@ith kindles thy LuX.

Δ thy Xtatus qO

what means the World to You:

We Fuel that X.